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No estàs sol!


Potser no estàs en el teu millor moment i necessites sentir-te escoltat, compartir el que et succeeix, una orientació, qui sap si una terapia que t’ajudi a arribar a un estat desitjat… Doncs, ja pots deixar de buscar!

Em dic ÀNGEL MARIA i estic agraït a la Vida per aquesta capacitat que m’ha donat per acompanyar i estar a prop de les persones, especialment en els moments difícils. El que t’ofereixo és el meu saber i experiència des d’una nova perspectiva, integradora i eficaç.

N’oblidis que el dolor és inevitable però el sofriment és opcional. Si et sembla bé, puc estar al teu costat en aquest viatge de descobriment, transformació, creixement i canvi…

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“A mesura que els meus sofriments augmentaven, aviat em vaig adonar que hi havia dues maneres en les quals podia respondre a la meva situació: reaccionar amb amargor o buscar la manera de transformar el sofriment en força creativa. Vaig decidir optar per l’última.” Martin Luther King, Jr.

Entrades recents

Hipnosi 3.0

Even today, when we read and hear the word hypnosis we can not feel like something disturbing. It attracts our attention, since there is still a lot of mystery, and even many misunderstandings about it. Some are due to the fact that for centuries the access that the public has had was through the shows and usually associated with embroiderers, paranormal, esoteric and dark phenomena. An image that still lasts and has caused many people to be afraid and incrédulo, when thinking that hypnosis is a farce where there is trick and to which better not to approach. The reality is that one thing is the hypnosis of spectacle and, second, the use of hypnosis as a therapeutic technique within the framework of a larger intervention.

La compassió

Compassion (from Latin Cumpassio, a translation of the Greek word sympathia, literally “to suffer together”) is a human feeling that implies welcoming the suffering of the other and the desire to relieve it, reduce it or eliminate it, ho
A feeling that, beyond its link with religions, provides as evidenced by scientific evidence, proven benefits for our emotional, physical and mental health

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